These awesome russian streetwear brands!
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Bumped into cool clothes A few weeks ago, I was on instagram and between the stories of my friends, I suddenly came across some cool things. He shared a sweater from the brand Comrades Moscow. The jersey looked super simple, yet innovative. On the white jersey was an original Russian Matryoshka with the text. That really appealed to me, like many of my friends, we are very interested in Eastern European culture. I looked at their instagram profile and came across really cool photos where you could see the sweaters, tshirts, hoodies and shorts well. The overall style of the photos and models again appealed to me. They had a link to their website in the instagram bio and took a look at this. A nice homepage with super nice pictures and under the shop tab you could browse through all products. They have different sizes, colors and models. Think of white and pink sweaters, but also tshirts and shorts. I immediately saw that you could easily see how the sizes worked and what the shipping involved. I ordered white shorts with pink t-shirt because the weather is still so hot. Payment went super easy via iDeal and after it was received, I already received a confirmation email. Both items would arrive within 2 weeks! Yesterday I received both and the clothing items are really WOW! The shorts are clean white and fit perfectly. The t-shirt is also perfect. I am really very satisfied with this brand. So clean and it is still pretty unknown. Many friends have already asked where I bought this! | |