

Added by GoFybr

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Gofybr instantly makes thinning hair look naturally thick & strong. Our 100% Organic fibers naturally bind to your existing hair strands and in seconds, creates a natural look of thicker, fuller hair. Gofybr is resistant to wind, rain or perspiration. It is completely untraceable, even from as close as 2 inches. Once you apply Gofybr, you won’t be able to believe the difference. Simply shampoo Gofybr to wash out & remove once finished. Gofybr is made from a species of natural plant cotton called; Gossypium Herbaceum. It naturally resembles real human hair, making it virtually impossible to detect once applied. It guarantees complete hair growth in minimum sittings. Regular and right usage ensures you hair growth in less than a week. . Unlike other brands that are not cotton based can lead to irritation and even cause your scalp to sweat & feel suffocated. It is readily available and is completely affordable.

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